When the World Cup rolled around the collective attention of the nation was on their tv's. Due to Kenya's geographical location, it meant that the screening of the matches was going to be done late at night and early in the morning. For Durex Kenya, it meant that the key time was going to be taken up by football and thus our communication plan would be greatly drowned out by the action on the screens.
The inability to mention the World Cup directly also meant having to come up with a campaign that would capture the attention of the fans and stay true to the theme while not falling afoul of the tight restrictions surrounding the global phenomenon.
Durex Kenya came up with a campaign tagged "Get A pair" that posed the question "Do you have the biggest balls?" The campaign involved having users pick their balls from a landing page (www.getapair.co.ke).
From this landing page the user had a number of chances to pick a pair of randomly selected deflated balls from teams taking part in the World Cup. The website also included a carnival game simile called "Hit the G" where users could get points from a test of finger speed.
The ultimate objective of the game was to inflate the balls and get as high on the leaderboard as possible to win selected prizes from Durex Kenya including product hampers. They did this in a number of ways including sharing their balls on Facebook and Twitter. In addition to that they could also share the content from the social media platforms that were also on the website. Lastly they could also try out the "Hit the G" part of the game to get points.
The campaign was made relevant to the audience through the use of imagery and lingo to draw distinctions between football and sex. Staying true to the theme, it also drew the parallels of safe sex alongside the context of football. Using commonly used terms within football, we were able to have conversations about safe sex while staying true to the football conversation all through the period.
How do you stay in the game when everyone is watching the World Cup? Durex Kenya had the balls to try something different.